Wednesday, January 26, 2011

APA Style.

I recently confirmed that I really hate doing group projects. I'm in Applied Gerontology this semester, and this requires us to do conduct a study on our own. I'm in a group with a social loafer, an older woman, and a nervous wreckball of a "team leader."

I was recently accused by this "team leader" of PLAGIARIZING and not knowing how to cite properly using APA Style. If I could have sent her a slap via email, I would have. Those who are in psychology know that EVERYTHING we do have to be in APA (speaking of which, did you know that new APA guidelines call for two spaces after each period?). She had "edited" my portion of our lit review for our research proposal and added citations where "she thought was needed." I had already cited my sources, and the paragraphs were basically summaries of the study and how I interpreted the graphs and data. She later changed the back to back citations of the same article to Ibid. to "eliminate some of the noise" in our lit. review. When I rebutted and showed her proof that you can indeed paraphrase and summarize things without citing every sentence (as long as the author has been credited) she told me "she stands corrected" and fears that if she didn't "fix" my citations we would fail our project on the grounds of plagiarism. She then emailed our group and commented on how "some of the members in our group" are "inadequate" in their ability to write in APA style leaving her to do all the work. The worst part is the rest of my group just follows her like blind sheep. This is a woman that also freaked out over the order of the prof's powerpoint slides.

I really hate group projects. I really hate being told I can't write in APA style even though it's all I wrote in for the last 4 years. I hate sheeple. Oh, and I hate being the youngest person in a class of people who all have a degree already. Nobody listens to me, and nobody takes my suggestions seriously.

Thursday, January 6, 2011

I need more days off.

I don't think my family understand the amount of work I have on my plate. I hate how my mom expects everyone to work around her schedule and how she's not in the very least accommodating or understanding of other people's situations. My dad just thinks that I'm lazy and that I don't care about the family.

This is really frustrating. Neither of them have been in university, so they don't understand the work that comes with a degree. They don't get that I'm working hard to get into honours or to boost up my CGPA to get into grad school. All they know is: I'm never home for dinner, washing dishes is my last priority, and I do nothing but "my own stuff." I don't think they realize how hard it is to get into grad school and that this is what I need to focus all my energy on. I do what I can around the house already. I clean when there are people coming over, I clean my own room, I wash the dishes, I do the laundry and when I have time I try to help out wherever I can. Then my dad comes into my room and starts a screaming match with me because I haven't done the dishes tonight yet and so that means I don't do shit around the house because I simply don't care.

My mom also recently got me a gig of typing up transcripts for the dermatologist she works for. I'm sorry but this gig is probably the second last thing on my mind right now. The last being the dishes. All my parents do is scream at me for not caring about their shit but do they care about mine? I really wonder. I really just want to move out  so I can focus on my work and actually use my spare time to do something for myself. I just wanted a breather after dinner and my mom started bitching at me for watching tv, then I come into my room to check my email and my dad comes in and bitches at me for not doing anything.

I used to think that once I'm successful in my career that I'd take care of the two of them and get them a house near my own... now I'm not so sure. Why should I take care of people who don't even think I care about them? Why should I care for stupid selfish people who think that everything they know is right? Why should I give a shit about two people that never even really gave a shit about me.